Here you can find the Pedelec rental addresses of our partners. At our partners you can pick up the bicycles. Make a reservation to prevent disappointments.
Do you want the pedelecs to be delivered at your place? Please contact us.
Kennemerlaan 118, 1972 ES IJmuiden. For reservations contact us
Sluisplein 80, 1975 AG IJmuiden. For reservations contact us
Cruiseboulevard 10, IJmuiden. If you are using a navigation system enter: “Zeehavenweg 1, 1976 EA IJmuiden” and then follow the signs “Felison Cruise Terminal”. For reservations contact us. This address is only for Cruise passengers.
Flevoland 11, 1948 RH Beverwijk. For reservations contact us.
See our pedelec rental addresses on the map below
View adresses Dutch Pedelec Tours in a full screen map
There is a very good site in english with information about cycling in the Netherlands. check this site Cycling in Holland